And yet another serial I'm going to have to start following. The setting is excellent, and the characters are very well fleshed out (even though I've not read the earlier parts).

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Thank you so much for this comment, Bill. I was feeling a bit downcast that it hadn’t gotten many views. You’ve brightened my day. 😊

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I have less experience than you do, but I have noticed that serial episodes initially tend to get fewer views than standalone pieces. New readers will often go back to the beginning—which is logical—and it may be some time before they read their way to the current episode. Every time I put up a new episode, the views go up for the first one.

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Yeah, that’s been my experience too. That’s why I’ve been diversifying my serials with short stories and such. I made the mistake two years ago of committing to two novels, which are still unfinished. And then I started this one last year. It was going to be a short story, but it’s turned into a trilogy. I’m actually finished with the first volume. But this whole experience with Substack has just been so fun. There was nothing like this around in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

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Sep 16Liked by Daniel W. Davison

A delightful episode Daniel... All of us are actors on some stage or another, being something or someone other than what we may have begun as...and I feel like possibly there is a thread here that remains not pulled for the time being.

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Thank you again for the comment, Frank. And you guessed correctly. This is definitely a thread that gets pulled again later on.

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Hey Daniel! Have you seen this open call? https://frenchpresspub.blogspot.com/2024/08/open-call-strange-new-moons.html?m=1.

You can't use existing work, but maybe you could do like a spin-off or prelude or something.

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Wow! Thank you so much for pointing me to this site. (I love their comment about accepting werewolf stories when other publishers aren’t.)

By the way, I miss seeing your work here. Are you posting stories somewhere else?

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I'm working on rpgs a lot rn. I post those here: https://t-van-santana.itch.io

You can also read my back catalog at https://tablo.com/t-van-santana

I was on sabbatical from February to August of this year, so I've only now started to write fiction again. I am working on a werewolf story for this, and I've started a new novel, too. So I'll either resume sending them out through Substack or Ghost. If you're still subscribed, you'll get them either way 😊

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And thank you for asking ☺️

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