Daniel, this was a fascinating story, and artfully done. I admit to being intrigued by the Stoic idea of the cosmos as Logos. I've wondered whether the whole thing isn't a giant "brain" permeated by a collective consciousness, haha. Like Vishnu on the cosmic ocean, dreaming the universe into existence.... I can't pretend to know much about simulation theories or holographic universes, but I've thought a lot about the drive to replace our natural reality with a virtual, AI-simulated one. I find the idea horrifying. Among other things, the sense of unreality and depersonalization would be unbearable (for me, anyway).

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Jacquie - I’m so sorry for this late response. I’ve been bouncing around between hotels and didn’t have a chance to thank you for this detailed comment, which meant a lot to me. The germ of this story was inspired by Michael Talbot’s “The Holographic Universe” which I read and fell in love with when it came out. It’s so sad, because the author died rather young. And I too share your horror of the idea of a virtual AI-simulated reality, and that was one of the things I tried to incorporate in the story. I feel that the virtual worlds that have been created by social media are not too far of the mark of those zombie-scenarios. That’s why I included the notion of AI prompting humans on what to say and think, rather than humans prompting AI.

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No worries! I'd be the last one to get upset about late responses :-) And I did see from your notes that you're doing some traveling—nice! The book sounds pretty fascinating. I grabbed a copy and will try to give it a read when I have some free time, thanks!

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I'm fascinated Daniel...it is not necessarily an illogical construct that what we 'observe' may be nothing more than a speculative simulation initiated by another lifeform?

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Thank you for leaving this comment, Frank! I wanted to tie together a few of the threads related to “simulation” theories of the universe and the “holographic universe” theory. It makes me happy that an engineer was able to appreciate it. 🙏

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