Agree with Adrian! Really enjoyed the visuals with this (though relieved there were no pigs :-( ...) And I like how your chapters often complete a circle thematically, in this case with the severed heads, etc. Nicely done!

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I have to second this. Great work on theme!

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Great work with the Midjourney integration, Daniel. I can only imagine the key words!

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Thank you so much, Adrian. It sometimes requires one or two redos to correct absurdities. I once put in the keyword that a character should be “smoking a clay pipe” and it generated an image of a person with clouds of smoke billowing from their skin with a clay pipe levitating in the air beside them.

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Very well-crafted chapter, Daniel. Great job.

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Also loving the visuals

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😂 I’m beginning to see why magical realist and fantasy writers use it for story prompts!

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Your image of Thekla is exactly as I had pictured her!!!

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